Russian Rocket Prophecy

September 20th, 2022 First Dream 4:00am

After my prayer time after 5:00am, I saw a vision dimly Russian rockets hitting the US I believe in California. I tried to deny what I saw, but God switch the dream to the twin towers in New York, where on 9/11/01 airplanes hit the 2 towers and many people was lost in that attack; the Lord was showing how real these rockets were in the dream in California. We must pray against this evil, but we must understand judgement comes to a nation who isn’t following God’s laws. This California dream seen by me isn’t the first one spoken about, a fellow minister of the gospel David E. Taylor had a similar dream given to him by the Lord regarding Russia and Rockets hitting California a few years back.

December 7th, 2022 Second Dream Around 3:00am

I was awakened by an Angel of the Lord, who hit me in my side, it did hurt because I responded with ouch. I then arose and prayed in tongues for forty minutes, until my granddaughter woke up and my wife and I had to attend to her. I then I went back to praying in the Spirit until after 4:30am. I then dozed off to sleep, in my stupor I heard the Lord, or the Angel of the Lord say, I heard again that Russian rockets would hit California, and this may happen in days I believe or around the Christmas Holiday. We as saints of God must pray against this evil that could come; so, I am urging those that I know personally

to begin to pray against this atrocity.


Apostle Brian L Morgan



February 18, 2023, around 4:30 am

As I prayed in the Spirit on my knees before the throne of God, after me singing praises and worshiping my God. I noticed my tongues were quite different, I recognized an Asian dialect

and then a Russian dialect, I then, by the Holy Spirit knew the languages were Chinese and Russian. I then saw a faint image of Russian President, Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

I prayed fervently for around 20 minutes, and I began to hear the Holy Spirit begin to speak the interpretation: An elaborate attack has been posed against the U.S. and other allied nations, China and Russia have aligned themselves together and have started the process of attack against the U.S. and other nations.

What the Lord has done through His saints, is combated that assault in the realm of the Spirit, with fervent and diverse prayer in tongues, to combat and assault the enemies camp, who is behind this treachery, which has come because of the evil that the U.S. and other countries has done against the Kingdom of God, and of heaven. The only hope to this atrocity against these nations, especially the U.S. is the church of the living God. The church has not been formidable enough to completely stamp out this evil, but the armies of God are being urged as I write this Prophetic Word, and to assemble in the places which God has placed each and every one of them, with their assignments given to them to assault the enemies camp; for destruction is on the rise for the whole world and nothing can stop it, but the God of heaven; working with His chosen saints. This Speaks the Spirit of the Lord!!! Wait No Longer!!! There Is No Time to Waste To Assemble Together!!! Sayeth the Spirit of the Lord!!!

Servant of God!

Apostle Brian L. Morgan

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