Prophetic Previews of Gods Kingdom Truth

Shared By: Apostle Brian L. Morgan Sr.


2018 Word of the Lord to The Body of Christ/Church

Especially Charismatic Movement

There is such a bright light in you to bring to the Body of Christ, especially to the so called Charismatic Movement, it has gone on for a great while moving in my gifts of the Spirit, but now this new wave of my light should shine forth through them bringing them into new heights of my Glory, to the breaking forth of those that have set under this movement for decades, it is pertinent for you Brian to become that light to many of them to see my Glory in a greater way, it seems to have stalled out in some of their churches of repeating the same cycle of movement, which isn’t going up, but going in circles, many of the other denominations have been already gone that way for more than decades; it has been hundreds of years. I have primed you and prepared you to speak boldly and clearly so that they may see this next wave of my Glory for my end-time feats of Glory displayed before the whole world; continue to ready yourself for the time is right now to do great exploits in the mist of, all of my churches around the world bringing my Kingdom mandate to masses of my people and all of my churches. Thus says the Spirit of the Lord!!! Wait know longer, this is a now movement and Word for you to be steadfast in hearing, listening, and being directed. Sayeth God!!!


By Apostle Brian

April 2007

After my first teaching of the Resurrection message on Easter Sunday at Abyssinia Church in Detroit, I went back to where my wife and I were staying and fell off to sleep and in a vivid dream I was confronted and attacked by demon spirits sent to try to bring fear for teaching the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, I seem to tussle and struggle with these demon spirits until it woke me up out of my sleep and I saw these black figures next to my bed and immediately said to them get out of here in the name of Jesus and they left out of the room going through the walls.

I then fell back off to sleep and found myself in a restaurant of some sort with 4 men standing in front me saying we have been sent by the Most High God to speak to you and tell you that Satan was looking to harm you, but we are here to let you know we are here to protect you. As we sat down at a table the four men spoke with me for a short while and we got up and began to exit this place when I noticed a whole parking lot filled with Angels.

I had left out of the restaurant in front of these four men when I turned around and didn’t see them until I looked up, for they had hovered up above in the air around 10-15 feet above me looking down at me and they said “We love you” I responded and said I loved them too, and I would pray in the Holy Ghost to know what God would have for me to do.

Visited by Seraphim

In the Spring of 2013, I was getting ready to take a nap around the lunch hour and as I laid across the bed facing the blinds where the sun was shining in, I turned to face the wall and sensed something and saw the sun light suddenly darkened and I turned around and looked, I didn’t see anything, but I heard these words “Seraphim”, I didn’t understand it. I rose and got my bible as this being departed and remembered Isaiah was visited by this same being in Isaiah 6: 6-9; I interpreted this visitation for me to function in the Prophet’s office that the Lord had given to me to speak to His people.


The Lord, during His many revelations and visitations to me in the last 15 years, or so, of my Christian life, has orchestrated a great revelation to me. Through the Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit and Jehovah himself, have given me understanding of the call on my life. Specifically, the Apostleship that wasn’t quite clear to me, until recently. My mind set regarding this, has never been for me to boast in anything in myself, because of my knowledge of the God of heaven and earth, whom I serve with my spirit. I just want to make clear; this five-fold ministry gift, that was given by the Lord Jesus, some two thousand years ago. God by His own will has given unto me this Apostleship through the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, personally.

3rd Heaven Experience

One of the first revelations of this call was on April 24th and 25th of 2003.

My wife Rhonda, had planned a hotel party for my eldest daughter Rana, for her sixteenth birthday. They went to dinner and stayed overnight in a hotel suite, with a lot of adolescent girls. My plan was to praise and worship the Lord all night, and that is what I did. 

I fell off to sleep to find myself in a vivid dream in what seem to be, what is called in the bible, the third heaven. There were clouds placed above and beneath me. I was outside of my body, and looking at myself down on one knee, with my head bowed down. I looked up in the sky and I saw the Lord Jesus Christ coming down out of the clouds with a white robe on, he just floated down to where I was on one knee.

As I watched him standing in front of me, with my head bowed, Jesus laid his hand upon my head and said, “Brian, I approve of you.” I then woke up abruptly that morning, I believe around 8:00 am, wondering what this meant.

Mountain Climbing Experience into Heaven

In 2004, I found myself in a vivid dream where I saw the Lord Jesus drive by in a white car, while I was standing in the parking lot talking with a group of people. I ran after him; as he got out of this car and headed into a cave like mountain, and I ran behind him up this maze-like mountain. It started off very easy to climb at first, but it became very difficult as I followed-after Jesus. As I completed this climb, I jumped across a dark hole into the gates of heaven, and then I woke up suddenly, wondering what all this meant.

Time Spent with God Is Never Lost

Then on August 27th, 2007, I was awakened by the Holy Spirit and the Lord directed me to my study to pray. I got on my knees and began to pray in the Holy Ghost (other tongues), and the Lord told me to get up and begin to write what He said. This went on for almost 30 days, being visited by Jesus, invisibly speaking to me, I began to understand the differences in God the Father speaking, Jesus speaking and the Holy Spirit speaking, similar, to how the Apostle Paul wrote on his parchment. I understood how the forty wrote the bible. The title or theme of these visitations and revelations were ‘Time Spent with God is Never Lost’. God was showing what happens when we as believers seek God in the secret place.

Holy Spirit Reveals Past Events Meant

In January of 2008 or so after, The Holy Spirit revealed to me clearly the call to the Apostleship, by playing back in my past those events that happened during my early visitations and revelations. It still didn’t sink in until 7 or 8 years after. I believe I was to keep it quiet until the fulfillment of time.

Introduction to a fellow Apostle

I was given a book called Face to Face with Jesus Christ written by a fellow apostle, which I read with great joy of his visitations with Christ.

I was so elated with this phenomenal book, because I could relate to some of the very experiences the man of God had and still have even today.

I did visit the ministry of a fellow apostle, which blessed me immensely. I then in December 31st, 2015 came to such a life changing meeting in Taylor, Michigan, where Jehovah himself showed up in the service Spiritually and touched me at the altar.

I then had two visitations the first was in a dream in January 3rd, 2016 where I was attacked by demons who backed me off in fear and when I left the area where I was confronted by these demons, I heard thunder and lightnings coming through the roof and the Lord spoke to me saying, ‘I have given you all power over all demon spirits, and this power was like unto Jesus himself.

Then as I awoke I heard the Holy Spirit say, ‘Take the land by force it is a phenomenon’. Then I heard the Holy Spirit say, ‘Imperial Anointing’!!! I then saw Jesus sitting next to me confirming this while I was awake, I mean conscious, shaking his head as if to say yes this is true and real!!!

‘Taken to Heaven’

In January 7th of 2016, I was in a dream in what seemed to be a large holding chamber in heaven with a hallway of Glory leading into the thrown room of Jehovah God. I believe my wife and some of my bible school training friends was there with me as I said to them I was going to take flight around this large holding chamber, I began to fly like superman as the ladies praised God.

I then found myself on one knee while seeing a vision of the throne of God with Father God seated on the throne seeing Him visibly in a silhouette of power. Father God got up from His throne and began to come down the hallway of glory, toward where I was on one knee. The Lord came through the door where I was and touched me and raised me up!!! I woke up shaken!!!

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