7 Pillars of Society "Mountain Movers"

Teaching Revelation for the Church

Pillars of Society “Mountain Movers” (7 Manifold Wisdom’s of God)

Proverbs 9:1,2


I was given a book named ‘7 Mountain Prophecy’, by a very blessed and faithful lady we know named Heather Goldsmith. When I read this book written by Johnny Enlow, the Lord began to reveal to me my call to this very revelation of the 7 Mountain prophecy.

The Lord gave me my own name of this very powerful revelation named 7 Pillars of Society ‘Mountain Movers.’ God confirmed this truth regarding my part in this revelation in a dream where I found myself in a car with prominent minister of the gospel Creflo Dollar, who while in a dream driving to a restaurant after church service, with another minister who preached at his church.

Dr. Dollar turned around toward the back seat where I sat and said, “Who is going to teach us the 7 Mountain Prophecy”, Dr. Dollar was referring to what God had given me regarding teaching the Body of Christ this revelation. Another dream from God on May 22, 2017 in a dream at Creflo Dollars church waiting to preach the 7 Pillars of Society ‘Mountain Movers’ revelation, with my wife accompanying me.

I also had another dream on January 6th, 2018 with Creflo Dollar regarding the 7 Pillars of Society ‘Mountain Movers’. This teaching is to bring forth the nations unto the Mountain of God according to Isaiah 2: 1-22.

The history of the 7 Mountain Prophecy came notably to Bill Bright of Campus Crusade and Loren Cunningham of Youth with a Mission. These two men were given a similar 7 Mountain Prophecy prior to meeting in Colorado in 1975, together from God at almost the same time.

7 – Manifold Wisdom’s of God

Ephesians 3:10


My lot in this 7 Mountain revelation from the Lord has brought me to The 7 Pillars of Society Mountain Movers, which are 7 Wisdom’s of God in the 7 areas of societal and sub-societal,

1. Religion/Faiths

2. Government/Politics

3. Business/Economy

4. Entertainment (Celebration)/Fine Arts

5. Media/News

6. Education/Training

7. Family/Ancestry)

God has specific spiritual wisdom and revelation that are given for each ‘mountain movers’ to plant His pillars. God is looking to release secrets and ancient mysteries to those called to each of these mountain society’s secretly.

The way the Body of Christ is to go about every teaching or discipleship programs, must come under the strict guidelines of this type of teaching along with spiritual-impartation (9 Gifts of the Spirit and beyond), through the Baptism in the Holy Ghost, which is the conduit into the realm of the Spirit, to receive spiritual insight, for ones spiritual journey to be revealed, so their identity, destiny, and purposes are clearly seen.

The 7- Manifold Wisdom revelation must be what a discipleship program looks like after the basic tenets of salvation is taught. The new believer or seasoned believer shouldn’t be exclusively exposed to the worlds educational systems without this monumental teaching.

Today’s educational systems without having a student contact this type of revelatory teaching puts a believers capacity to learn only at a intellectual level, which seems good even if the person has advanced far into that system, but in the long run would count on that system over the Kingdom of God’s system which is superior and not be able to produce Gods wisdom in that particular society.

The system of man in all areas of society have become secularized and become humanistic even atheistic and have been saturated by new age thinking; which is foolishness, because people have fallen for Satan’s tricks, believing this system is great for our children even without God, and the church, the Body of Christ have allowed the way of thinking to come into all area of society.

The educational systems of the world must be overhauled or eradicated because this part of society effects all of the other areas of society. How our children are being taught is very important.

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