
We teach, preach and demonstrate God's Kingdom message to build your born again spirit-man upon the rock, who is Christ; so we can reflect His image and glory.


Our teaching ministry inspires you by the Holy Spirit to be unique and authentic according to the revelation of God's Word so you can fulfill your destiny in the mighty name of Jesus.

The Kingdom of God Teaching Ministry

Apostle Brian L. Morgan, Sr. and Pastor Rhonda L. Morgan established Building Your House Upon the Rock Christian Church in 2006. Brian was born in Highland Park, Michigan, but at the age of 4, his family moved to Detroit. He graduated from Mumford High School. In 1985, he attended the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga where he intended to play football and study law.

Brian did not grow up in a church, but he was raised a Jehovah’s Witness until his early 30s. He grew up believing that this was the true religion even though he stopped attending the services regularly during his mid-teenage years.

He met his wife, Min. Rhonda L. Morgan, in 1991, and they later got married in 1993. Currently, the two are married for more than 28 years. They have four children and six grandchildren. Brian would often argue with his wife, who has a Baptist background about what the true religion is. Feeling discouraged, Rhonda began to pray and fast that Brian might get saved, which happened in 2001.

He went on to serve his brother/sister-in-law in the church, Pastor Cecil and Ola Allen of Word of Life C&O Outreach Ministries in Detroit. Brian became very zealous for the Word of Jesus and was content just by serving at Word of Life Church. This all changed on April 14, 2002, at around 9:15 AM. The Lord spoke to him and asked Brian if he wanted to do what the preacher was doing on television, and he responded by saying no he didn’t want to teach the Word of God, and the Lord said to Brian, “Say you want to teach my Word” and Brian in his ignorance thought to say no and the power of God came into his dining room and knocked Brian unto the floor and Brian said “yes Lord I will teach your Word”. On November 5, 2002, Brian received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. And in June 2003, he received water baptism.

During the night of April 24th, 2003, Brian planned to praise and worship singing songs unto the Lord during this time his family would be out for the first part of the weekend celebrating their daughter Rana’s 16th birthday, in a vivid dream after falling asleep after praising the Lord around 8:00 am on the 25th, Brian was taken on a cloud and taken outside of his body and while seeing himself bowed down with his head down, Brian looking at his own body in utter disbelief, he looked up in the sky and saw a figure floating down in white raiment, glowing, it was the Lord Jesus Christ standing right in front of Brian and the Lord Jesus laid his hands upon him and said “I approve of you Brian” and he woke up shaken, not understanding this vivid visitation; years later though the Holy Spirit in 2008 revealed what this meant which meant Brian’s call to the Apostleship for the ministry. 

In 2003, while at a family dinner, Brian’s brother-in-law Parnell Johnson suggested that he should go to Bible school at Word of Faith which . He prayed that night for direction from the Lord. In a dream, Jesus directed him to Word of Faith Bible Training Center in Southfield, Michigan under the leadership of Bishop Keith Butler, the founder.

Brian graduated from Word of Faith Bible Training Center in 2004. In 2005, he heard a word from the Lord regarding the name of his own church. Jesus said, “Building Your House Upon the Rock.” Later, in 2006, the Lord spoke to Brian again while seeing an open vision of a red and white tent saying, “Start a ministry to minister and feed those according to how Jesus fed the 5000 in Matthew 14: 16-21. and to call it, Faith and Food Outreach.”

Together with his wife, children, and church family, Brian has been ministering and feeding those in need in Detroit and Highland Park, Michigan, and Chattanooga, Tennessee since 2006. He has been in the ministry for more than 16 years. The Lord has given him directions to establish ministries in Highland Park and Chattanooga, which already have started.

Our Kingdom of God teaching ministry believes that the Lord has given Building Your House Upon the Rock Christian Church a divine mission, which is to build on the revelation of Jesus Christ based on Matthew 16:18 The verses in Matthew 16:13-18 deals with identity—who we are in our new birth according to Jesus. This is brought to light by the revelation of the Holy Spirit in the Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the bible evidence of speaking in other tongues or Greek word glossolalia (another language in Acts 2:1-4), building each believer up to see into the Kingdom of God the enlightenment of our Heavenly Father. Our church will train believers through a seven-fold teaching, which will focus on the areas of their callings according to Ephesians 1:15-23. We will help bring forth the sons of God in (Romans 8:14) to their proper place in Jesus Christ our Lord, according to 1 Corinthians 12:18. The seven-fold teaching which includes areas of society (areas of influence), such as true religion (relationship with Jesus Christ), family, government, education, media, arts and sciences (entertainment), and business (Proverbs 9:1, 2). We will work tirelessly to deliver the message and restore the ministry of Jesus Christ, our Lord, which he taught and preached during his walk on the earth according to Matthew 4:17-25, Matthew 24:14, and Acts 1:1-8. Our church will be a blueprint for other areas of the country. We will build seven-fold churches in places that Jesus has given to our founders, Brian and Rhonda Morgan, to establish for the Kingdom of God. As such, we pray for the sick and feed the homeless people in Chattanooga, Tennessee and Highland Park in Detroit, Michigan as well.

Our Divine Mission

Edifice, A Building Erected:

Founder: Apostle Brian L. Morgan

Co-Founder: Pastor Rhonda L. Morgan

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